Showing posts with label 4x5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4x5. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

waking up


Wednesday is here, and I am patiently waiting the snow fall. Starting the day off slow I thought I would post one ore image from Marblehead, MA. Nothing revolutionary here, just a simple image of a light house. Seems like a simple day, so here's a simple image. Enjoy, or don't, the snow today! I know I will be.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



Two views from my home town...I've been lucky to have some good opportunities over the fall and winter to do some shooting in good ol Pennsylvania. The place is filled with such character, and unfortunately that typically means, the place is falling apart, which it is. I hope to be able to over time put together a body of work from the area, but for right now, I am happy with the similarities

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Here are two more images from our time spent in Marblehead, MA a few weeks back. It really was a beautiful rocky beach that we stumbled upon, and unfortunately it was far to cold to hang out for very long, especially with a 4x5 and a metal tripod that became a freezing stinging cold metal tripod within moments.

The quiet and at the same time the sound of the ocean gently rolling in at low tide was very calming. More time should be spent on a beach where, in a few hours, would be once again covered my the mother ocean when the tide rolls in.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

one for today

Here is some water to look at from a mountain stream in Central Pennsylvania...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Last from Centralia...

The last for now from this Centralia series. I have some other new work that will be coming up probably after the thanksgiving holiday. Some color work, maybe a few surprises, probably not...

After this trip to this all to strange town, I am endlessly fascinated by it. I plan on visiting here a few more times before the end of the year, and will be keeping tabs on the town progress. 2016 marks the towns centennial year, and one thing we saw while here, was a vault that is to be opened in 2016, so i'll see you all there!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Signs of life

One of my favorite images I made in Centralia. This was literally one of I think two remaining street signs in the town. Very old remnants of a time gone by. The only reason that it still stood was because about 20 yards up this "street" was one of the few remaining houses. a strange artifact...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Few New

As promised, here is a sampling of some of the new images I made throughout my rip to Pennsylvania last week. A majority of the scanning is now done so over the next few days/week, i'll be posting more substantial groups of images from the different place we got to visit and shoot at.

These three images come from three different stops along our trip. The top image is from an old church in the country near my home town of Shamokin. A very old church that, to my knowledge, doesn't get used that much anymore, my Great Grandmother went there. Next is from the old mining town of Centralia, PA. It is an abandoned mining town whose residents were literally forced to move due to an underground fire burning for some 40 years now, more on this very weird place later. And lastly, from Knobels Amusement park. It is a free admission theme park near my hometown, so in the fall, when the park goes to sleep, you can still get in and have a walk about, quite strange.

All of these places Are within 15min of the house I grew up in, and I had never been to any of them with my camera after all this time. It was great to finally get to these places and explore them. A friend of mine just reminded me of what an old friend used to say about shooting, and I think it fits here. "If you don't know what to shoot, shoot in your back yard" T.Petit

"Shed, Oak Grove"
"Wall Detail, Centralia, PA"
"Kiddie Wheel"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Another image from an older series of work Textures. This body of work was a big stepping stone for me in my image making and printing. And hopefully someday i'll get my head out of my bum and get back to working on this series...for now enjoy the archives!

"Market Street #2"

Monday, June 29, 2009

More Rain

Here is a wet picture for your Monday morning. Sometime soon it will stop raining, but remember, rainy pictures are good pictures too!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rainy Days

It's been raining like crazy lately, and this image reminds me a bit of that feeling...being by water and watching the rain bounce back up toward the sky. Just remember, the rain will end!