Showing posts with label Sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

and the light is growing brighter now...

I was in Pennsylvania this past weekend, and apparently all I looked at was sunlight! We were treated to beautiful weather the whole time which made for some great sunsets as well as beautiful morning light, and luckily I was up for both.

Please do enjoy...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


One of my favorite new images...kind of surreal but horribly normal in subject. Little surprises await all day long, we just have to catch up with them. I think I caught one...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Groggy Tuesday

A bit gray outside my window this I thought i'd share some sun. Sometimes the smallest of reflections turns me on, and this is one of those times. Enjoy the internet sunshine, and maybe in a few days we will get some real sunshine in New England.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I've been posting a lot of windows lately, so I thought I'd take a break from the black and white. Here is another Polaroid from the archives. It's a 2 1/4 Polaroid, so its quite small in real life, intimate. I like that. Sometimes all you need to do is look out a window, especially a warm sunny window.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Quiet Afternoon

From the archives! I scanned some Polaroids today that I have shot over the course of about 6 years. Most are nonsense, some are proofs that later went to film, and some, that I thought at first to maybe be nonsense, actually end up being fine photographs. The sense of quiet and calm is what I love about this, as well as the fact that it really is nothing special, except that it is a photograph, which turns it into something more.

I will be posting more Polaroids as I find them and scan them.
"My Cat Playing in the Sun, Brighton, MA"